Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Shining Barrier

Flowers in Paris

Reading to each other

Coffee in The Village

Runs in the afternoon

In Sheldon Vanauken's, A Severe Mercy, he describes the love between he and his wife as "the shining barrier." The barrier is a wonderfully inspiring and romantic world that they share, built and protected by their love for one another. It allows them to experience the world around them and reconcile it to their love. It is a romantic ideal for both lovers and friends. They eventually learn that their own barrier is not impenetrable, but only when they find a love stronger than their own. 
As we approach our second anniversary, we are happy to recognize such shared experiences in our own lives. There were certain pleasant surprises that have allowed our marriage to blossom in ways we didn't even intend. We recognize that this special "inloveness" (sic) is dear and remarkable and needs to be nurtured. Here are some examples of things we love to share in ways we love to share them...

1 comment:

Misha Cohen said...

So sweet happy that you two are so in love and that you have built such a natural and pure and good strong marriage!! So blessed to be apart of your lives!! Love the cohens