Dear Nora,
Dear, sweet, late-night child. This month saw a lot of changes for you.
Class of 2011 at Zach Zakhari's 1st Bday |
You learned to focus on our faces, and you watch us as we walk around the living room from your little bouncy chair.
Thanks for the leg warmers Auntie Mish! |
1st time visiting The Knutzens |
At EJ's with Uncle Mike |
You smile at us and even laugh on occasion. You make the sweetest sounds that melt out hearts--particularly little words like, "hahrhaar."
We think you might have said your first word. You let out a sweet, "khaarrll" and we asked... Nora, who is Carl? Since you didn't elaborate, we gave the name to your stuffed animal bunny as an interim measure, until we learn more.
Nora with Carl the Bunny |
Nora with buddy Joseph, born one week apart |
Notice the band-aids on poor Nora's legs |
You had fun celebrating your 2 month old birthday at your buddy Azariah's house, and you even got to ride the tram to Roosevelt Island.
Nora with Azariah, born one day apart |
You also made a quick visit to Bloomingdale's, and Sotheby's.
You are soothed and enchanted by your butterfly moblie that hovers over your crib.
You favor your left side and we suspect you might be left-handed.
You have difficulty going to sleep at night and Daddy still has to bounce you and sing, "Amazing Grace" to calm you down, but once asleep you have been sleeping for stretches of 4-6 hours more often.
In West Village for Auntie Sylvia's Bday |
We have decided that we like this two month stage, even if it is a sleep challenge. Your personality is starting to emerge and we love that you want to join to sing or chat with us.
Thanks for the polka dot onesie Auntie Emma! |
We look forward to growing with you, Little Bear.
We're going to sleep now.
Daddy and Mama
2 months - WOW, how time is passing. Nora is so beautiful and total sweetness. LOVE SEEING ALL THESE PICS - Brings so many smiles to GrandPa's and GrandMa's hearts. The 24th is around the corner and I can't wait to hold her again. Muncho XOXO from all of us over here.
Dear Miss Nora (and her mommy and daddy, too),
Oh my goodness!!! You are getting SO big!!! I can't believe all the things you are saying/cooing and all the places you are seeing. What a city gal! :)
I miss you so much and hope to see you soon. Don't grow too quickly, okay? And please give your momma a hug from me and tell her that I just LOVE the blog updates. They make me smile the entire I'm reading along, and then for hours after wards. You're just THAT cute. :)
So happy to be celebrating you at 2 months (which I just can't believe has passed by so quickly). I'm ready for springtime in NYC, are you!? Let's make a Central Park date with your momma and see what beautiful things are getting ready to sprout up.
Keep the pictures and stories coming... I just love them!
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