Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh Happy Day

We had our own little election party
Celebratory sushi, Rice Krispie treats, popcorn and champagne
In front of The White House the day after

On this day covered with gray skies and temperate weather, Matt and I stepped out into the city to get the feeling of a country changed overnight. We walked down streets filled with a serene optimism represented by smiling faces and cheerful bounces in the steps of Obama-clad citizens. We walked past empty newspaper stands, Obama-gear tables, and a line of people out the door of a newspaper shop waiting to get late copies of The Washington Post for November 5, 2008. We walked down to The White House, past the crowd gates that held the revelers last night, to find a small number of people quietly standing in a sort of contented trance as they gazed upon a monument that stood for the hope displayed on their faces. There was a feeling of buoyancy in the air today; an acknowledgement that we had partaken in an important piece of history. We are a proud people today, and the world is proud of us. This is a victory for everyone. The feeling of this election and all that it stands for is still delicate, and all of the personal stories (that have more tied up in this than many of us can imagine) still bring tears to our eyes. What a moment. There is a palpable sense of camaraderie and brotherhood in D.C. today, and I would imagine that is shared throughout our country. We, together, as a collective, did something great. We are proud of our country. We are proud of what we stand for. We are proud, yes, to be Americans. What a happy day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

D.C. in Pictures

The Elite Liberal Media in Wash., DC

From Shore to Shore Let Freedom Ring

Arlington National Cemetery 

Air Force Two? The President's impressive helicopter 

Our Hotel Home

Emilio's Halloween BDay
Finger's crossed
Billy Bragg concert at The 9:30 Club
Kalorama walk with Max and Aunt Lynne
Adeline and George

Leila and Cyrus
Sorry to be so curt, but we have been storing up all of these photos in our camera and this post would be way too long if we allowed for comments on each photo. Suffice it to say that we have been busy visiting family and friends, jogging around D.C. and soaking up this wonderful Fall weather. As of late, we have been obsessed with the election so I'm sure we will be more responsible bloggers after tonight... Champagne anyone?