Sunday, May 15, 2011

4 Months: But if you cry sometimes, you just might find... You get exactly what you want

Dear Little Bear,
We thought we had it all figured out last month...

We thought that six to seven hours of sleep at night meant we were in the clear.
People would ask, "Is she sleeping through the night yet?"
1st Sore throat
And we'd proudly answer, "Yes, usually six hours."

Oh, how smug of us Little One...

Thanks for the cute blanket Auntie Barb!
It took us a while to realize that all of your other baby friends were also "sleeping through the night"...

But they would got to bed at, say, six or seven p.m.
Not midnight.
Like our girl.
"Just try putting her to bed earlier," they'd say...
And you would protest. Oh, silly Mommy and Daddy.
"Try a routine," they'd say...
But you merely laugh at our attempts and make us stay awake with you until midnight when you suddenly shut off. Sigh. Maybe next month you'll sleep at an earlier hour?

You are a good, sweet little girl otherwise. You've become much more interested in your toys and grab and pull at them in your cabana.

Dressed for the Good Friday service
You love to laugh and you're still full of words and sounds, like "hoooo!"
Nora with her Easter Lily at church

Easter in New Jersey

Aunt Carol's lovely tablescape
Lately, you've been practicing your best pirate voice. You'll grunt and grunt, just as if you're talking to us. Except you're talking like a pirate.

Nora's lily and Kali Paxsa Greek Easter egg
You love to clasp your hands together and have started to grab at whatever is within your reach.
1st nice day at Central Park

Unfortunately, you've also dealt with constipation this month. We were a little worried after a week and a half, but with a little help from Mom, Dad, and trusty prune juice, you were able to make things work once again.

You reunited with your grandparents from Seattle, who took you out to the beach.

You love going for long walks in the Ergo carrier and it puts you right to sleep...

...until we take you out of the carrier.

You've accomplished a major physical feat: you can roll from your back all the way onto your stomach!
And you like to taste everything within reach, including your carrier.

You love to roll, even on your changing table. You arch your head way back and sometimes throw your chubby leg right over!

Given your new found interest in toys, your Daddy set up an "office" for you to "work."

You love going to your office.

You also love being in Mom and Dad's "big bed."

In fact, it's often the only place you will fall asleep at night.

Skyping with grandparents in California on Mother's Day

You continue to name your toys: this month Harold the Lion joins Helga the sheep, Earl the pig and Carl the bunny.

You are getting better at tummy time, but you still can't handle it for more than ten minutes or so.
You loved being out at the beach for Mother's Day, especially in your very special dress from Mexico, but you're starting to outgrow your clothes at a rapid pace! It won't be long before you're firmly into your 6-9 month clothes.

Here you are, a little angel that landed on Daddy's shoulders. You like riding on shoulders as long as you can hold onto ears.

You are finally big enough to wear the outfit sent to you by Zia Oonagh from Italy. But we often have to put bibs on you because you still spit up quite a bit, dear girl.
And you've started to cuddle...finally! Mommy and Daddy live for this!
We've started to put you in your Bumbo chair, which you don't mind...
...except when we try to feed you prunes, which had to be your first food because of your constipation issues.

You really do not like prunes.

We do it because we love you, Little Bear, and we want you to go more than once a week!

We love that you're growing to be a big, healthy girl--you're in the 86th percentile for height and weight! We especially love all of your sweet smiles and sounds. You are happiest in the morning and during bath time. We love to sing, "Oh, look who's nakey nakey," before the bath and we think you like it too! You love the girl in the mirror, and she can brighten your mood when you're cranky. We love how you're so playful, even in subtle ways, like when you prop your foot up on our arms while we hold you.

You still won't take a pacifier, no matter how hard we try. Nope. You still prefer your fingers.

We love you Little Bear, Small Bear, Baby Bear, Smiley Bear, Punkin', Punkin' Pie... We're enjoying seeing you grow!

Mama & Dada