Friday, August 29, 2008

Just for a minute...

Ok, disclaimer: Matt's not helping me write this one. 

I feel compelled to hang on to the moment we were witness to last night. As I sat watching Obama make history, I found myself moved by the powerful statement this made for our country. I watched Obama address a stadium filled with diverse Americans who were as patriotic as I have seen in my lifetime. Not the reactionary, nationalistic patriotism I think I've seen before (perhaps after 9/11), but true pride in our country for making such progress in equal rights for all Americans. This was amazing and breathtaking. I feel as if I was aware of history in the making. I have never been particularly political and I have been hesitant to allow myself to be extremely patriotic, for fear of being manipulated (for my Christianity, for my gender, for my social leanings). Wow, I felt like it was finally OK to let myself be excited about a movement. It was OK to indulge in the moment. After thinking about Obama's speech and having watched the DNC, I do feel like this could be a movement. And why not feel optimistic about changing the culture of our country? Why not allow ourselves to be idealistic for once? This is how history is made! This is how revolutions happen and this could be terrific for our country. I think Obama represents an opportunity for our country to become inspired, and just think of what can happen then?! Regardless of your political views, I think it is important for all of us to sit back and, just for a minute, revel in the excitement and promise of this time.


Unknown said...

Hi Teri and Matt!
Yes, let's take this moment to be enthusiastic, and thankful, and reflective, and joyful about how Obama was able to catch the hope and dream and speak about the promise and the goodness and the responsibility we all carry for this moment, to bring about the changes we need to do in our educational, medical, consumer-culture oriented systems, to mention just a few. You spoke so well, and it was a pleasure to read your blog, as always. I just haven't been connecting much lately. I didn't even connect on your 2nd anniversary! So sorry!
Hope we might be able to see you when we're in NY and DC in Sept and Oct. We arrive in DC on Sept. 23, and leave on Oct. 23rd, and will work out dates inbetween. (email.) Warm and loving good wishes, Lynne

Barbie said...

Such a beautifully written post. This is an incridible time in history. Just to think that only 40 years ago, the civil rights movement was in full swing, and now...well you said it best. Isn't it crazy how quickly our country can change.

Lisa said...

Hi Teri - Stephen wanted me to tell you hi. :) Thanks for commenting on my blog.